Best of the Week
Like any good marketer, I read a lot. I like to stay on top of the latest news, product launches, reviews, how-to's, case studies and more to help me perform better at my job. As you can imagine I see a lot of content junk and hopefully a few gems every week. I figured I'd start to share some of those gems here.
The jury might still be out on Google+, but if its part of your marketing mix, here are 11 Ways to Get More Followers for Your Google+ Business Page via SocialMediaExaminer.
I unfortunately get dragged into the conversation about website content being above the fold, here's 3 Reasons Why Online Content Can Leave 'Above the Fold' Behind by the Content Marketing Institute.
Oh I really liked this read; having this set up would make the job of marketing so much easier in larger organizations. The Case for Why Marketing Should Have Its Own Engineers from the First Round Review.
As a B2B marketer by day, LinkedIn's purchase of Bizo has me all sorts of intrigued for what is to come. MarketingProfs lists out Three Ways it Affects You.